Web3 Tools Can Help End Global Hunger
Across the world, 783 million people – roughly one in ten of the global population – are chronically hungry, unsure of where their next meal willis comeing from. All the while, WFP estimates that more than 345 million people in the 79 countries where it operateworks are facing high levels of food insecurity today in 2023. This is an increase of almost 200 million since early 2020 (pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels). Ongoing conflicts, economic shocks, and climate extremes are expected to worsen the level of food insecurity.
As an early adopter of blockchain technology in the humanitarian sector, WFP is exploring further opportunities to harness the potential of Web3 tools to help tackle the global hunger crisis and advance global efforts towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger.
By integrating WFP’s operational experience and global footprint with GBBC Giving’s blockchain expertise, we are launching a new global platform to help ramp up a humanitarian response to global hunger. Utilizing a blockchain-based solution to raise, track, and trace donor funds can provide an additional layer of trust and transparency to humanitarian aid. Designed around the strengths of Web3 tools, the Food for Crisis initiative aims to help narrow the humanitarian funding gap and optimize the delivery of critical assistance.

What We Aim to Achieve
The Food for Crisis initiative seeks to:
Harness the potential of blockchain for fundraising and delivery of assistance, supporting WFP, other humanitarian organizations, and impact-focused start-ups promoting food security.
Launch the Food for Crisis global platform in 2024 with a pilot fund target of US$100 million for donations, and a moonshot goal of US$1 billion.
Facilitate various forms of a variety of donations through a unified blockchain-based platform, from fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar, to selected digital assets such as USD-backed stablecoins or Bitcoin, and in-kind contributions.
Allocate funds to immediate assistance into crisis-affected regions, and to developing innovative and sustainable solutions to help eradicate hunger.
You can become a part of this journey. If collaborating with Food for Crisis resonates with you, let’s connect!

About Food for Crisis Founding Partners
World Food Programme (WFP) is the largest humanitarian organization, working in more than 120 countries and territories around the world, bringing life-saving food assistance to people displaced by conflict and made destitute by disasters. In 2022, WFP and its partners reached a record number of people - an estimated 158 million. WFP has a long-standing history of implementing and scaling new solutions to end hunger. Innovation spans all WFP’s operations, from predictive analytics, supply chain, and food systems, to support for smallholder farmers, cash-based transfers (CBTs), and innovative financing.
The WFP Innovation Accelerator was launched by WFP in 2015 to source new ideas, sprint pilot solutions, and scale high-impact innovations by connecting them with WFP’s global network of more than 23,000 staff and field operations. These innovations have raised over US$200 million in grant funding (not including Accelerator funding), reaching over 37 million people in 2022 alone.
GBBC Giving
GBBC is the largest and leading industry association in the blockchain technology and digital assets community. GBBC is a Swiss-based non-profit organization, with more than 500 institutional members, and 231 Ambassadors across 109 jurisdictions and disciplines. GBBC Giving is the charitable arm of GBBC that focuses on projects advancing blockchain technology and digital assets for the benefit of those most in need.
Joint Agreement & Supporters
In September 2023, the WFP Innovation Accelerator and GBBC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as founding partners for the Food for Crisis joint initiative. Together, their reach and impact has huge potential for scale, and is already supported by key organizations, including Accenture, Bayer, Filecoin Foundation, Fleming Petenko Law, Netlight, Oliver Wyman, and Steptoe and Johnson LLP.
What can you do to join WFP and GBBC Giving in working towards Zero Hunger?
Get in touch by filling out this form and let’s make a difference, together.