Just the Facts Series: "Illicit Finance Risk Assessment of NFTs" U.S. Department of Treasury Report, May 2024

Learn more about the U.S. Department of Treasury Report, "Illicit Finance Risk Assessment of NFTs" (May 2024)

Just the Facts Series: What is H.R. 2969?

Learn more about H.R. 2969

Just the Facts Series: Part I | What is U.S. Debt?

Learn more about Part I of U.S. Debt

Just the Facts Series: What is SAB 121?

Learn more about SAB 121 - Updated 6/4/2024

Just the Facts Series: What is a Spot ETH ETF?

Learn more about Spot ETH ETFs

Just the Facts Series: What is FIT 21?

Learn more about FIT 21

Just the Facts Series: What is H.R. 5403?

Learn more about H.R. 5403

Just the Facts Series: The 'Stable' Divide | USA vs EU Approach to Regulating Stablecoins

GBBC breaks down the key differences between two seminal pieces of stablecoin legislation in the USA and EU

Biden Executive Order is ‘Watershed’ for Digital Assets - March 2022

The EO is a watershed moment for the industry, signaling recognition of the tech's importance to US national interests, strategy, and global competitiveness Read GBBC's full breakdown.

GBBC Statement on New York State FY23 Budget - April 2022

GBBC appreciates efforts by DFS, DFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris, and members of New York State Assembly, including Assemblyman Clyde Vanel and Senator James Sanders Jr., to create a regulatory environment and framework to more effectively and efficiently review BitLicense applications and improve oversight.

GBBC Writes to U.S. Congress in Support of the Wyden-Toomey-Lummis Amendment - August 2021

Read GBBC’s response to the Wyden-Toomey-Lummis Amendment to the infrastructure bill.

GBBC Testifies at New York State Assembly Hearing - May 2023

GBBC testified before the New York State Assembly during the joint committee hearing, “Examining the transparency and security of the cryptocurrency industry,” held by the Standing Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection and the Standing Committee on Banks. 

The White House Releases Comprehensive Framework for Responsible Development of Digital Assets: GBBC’s Takeaways - September 2022

This represents a major milestone for blockchain and digital assets, as the U.S. government seeks to ensure that the country remains competitive and at the forefront of thought leadership in this burgeoning space.

Treasury Suggests U.S. Companies Could Lead In Developing New CBDC Global Infrastructure - July 2022

GBBC CEO Sandra Ro shares GBBC’s perspective on the White House Comprehensive Framework for Responsible Development of Digital Assets.

Experts debate how to move crypto regulation forward - March 2022

GBBC CEO Sandra Ro and other experts provide their perspective on crypto regulation.

Biden’s crypto order: sea change for digital assets? - March 2022

The Banker Editor Joy Macknight summarizes the importance of Biden’s Executive Order citing a statement from GBBC CEO Sandra Ro.

Senate Bipartisan Agreement With Industry On Scope Of Crypto Regulation For CFTC - February 2022

A recap of US Senate Hearing on digital assets featuring testimony from GBBC CEO Sandra Ro.

New York State may loosen strictest-in-the-nation crypto rules - July 2020

GBBC CEO Sandra Ro spoke to Crain’s on New York’s BitLicense and the potential loosening of the state’s virtual currency regulations.

United States in Distress: Changemakers Needed Now - June 2020

GBBC CEO Sandra Ro addresses how the world’s leading technological and economic country is significantly outdated on two major levels requiring dramatic changes: government and politicians.

Blockchain Spending Steady in FY19, May Dip in FY20 - May 2020

The federal government’s exploration of blockchain technology was seen as a potential boon to companies that could provide applications, yet contract obligations remained steady from fiscal 2018 to 2019, and are on track to rise only slightly—or even decline—this year.

Voting in the U.S. — Can Technology Help Defend Democracy? - December 2019

While this report focuses on the U.S. voting system, many countries would benefit from voting reforms and we welcome global perspectives.

Notable Remarks & Key Takeaways from the GBBC’s “Demo Day on the Hill” in Conjunction with the Congressional Blockchain Caucus - November 2019

Several members of Congress spoke at “Demo Day on the Hill” on the state of blockchain technology, and the role of government and enterprise.

GBBC CEO Sandra Ro Appointed to NYS Digital Currency Task Force - July 2019

New York state lawmakers have appointed six experts from various fields to the New York State Digital Currency Task Force, which was created to provide regulatory insight.

The Global Blockchain Business Council Announces Its Legal And Regulatory Working Group - March 2019

GBBC’s LRG will be focused on advising GBBC member companies and the broader ecosystem on legal and regulatory issues originating from the development and adoption of blockchain technology.

NYCEDC to Open NYC’s Public-Private Blockchain Center - January 2019

New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) has announced it has selected Future\Perfect Labs and GBBC to launch and operate the City’s first public-private NYC Blockchain Center pilot initiative.